Let MWM Help You Achieve Your Life Goals

MWM Income Generation Emphasis

For investors who are willing to take moderate risk. Primary focus is to generate income in form of Interest and dividends and a secondary objective of achieving a modest level of portfolio appreciation with minimal principal loss and volatility. A typical portfolio will include primary fixed income investments with modest allocation to equities.

The process is simple as ONE - TWO - THREE

    1. Visit our website and create your account.
    1. Complete our client KYC/ AML onboarding package.
    1. Make an Appointment

Invest knowing if you would accumulate enough money to achieve your goals.

Use our investment calculators to determine your indicative rate of return and investment balance at the end of the investment period you selected.

* Our investment products have a minimum 3 year investment term

My Indicative Investment Balance


Years to Retirement (Age: 60)


My Indicative Investment Balance


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